
Help us to make a difference to literacy instruction in NZ Schools. Your donation goes towards paying for this website, producing support material for parents and teachers and travel costs for our advocacy efforts. Receipts will be issued on request. Note that we are not currently a registered charity or registered for GST.

We are also interested in hearing from people or organisations that are keen to explore providing a grant funding programme for schools across NZ to access quality structured literacy PLD, decodable books and teaching resources. Please get in touch if you wish to discuss this.


Buy the Dystinct Coffee Table Book

Dystinct, in partnership with Lifting Literacy Aotearoa present to you our limited edition coffee table book - Dystinct 2021.

The book features incredible journeys of everyday people with learning difficulties and evidence based content contributed by specialists from around the world.

20% of all proceeds will go to Lifting Literacy Aotearoa.



Do you want to help our advocacy efforts more directly? We are keen to hear from you. We particularly seek people with graphic design, editorial, communications, social media, fundraising and community advocacy skills.