Reading Recovery refresh - not good enough

Kathryn Ryan interviewed Dr Rebecca Jesson, an associate professor at the University of Auckland who heads up Reading Recovery nationally, and Professor James Chapman of Massey University, whose research on Reading Recovery has shown its lack of efficacy, today on RNZ.

🤔 We share Professor Chapman's concerns that "this refresh is really just a refresh of the status quo"

💖 We just love Professor Chapman's answer when Kathryn asked him why methods based on the Science of Reading are incompatible with the 3 cueing approach .....

"The 3 cueing approach confuses the children who most need early supports in terms of developing word decoding skills to a level that is automatic. We talk about automaticity in terms of word identification so they then have the cognitive resources to focus on the meaning of what they're reading"

"Research has been very clear for 3-4 decades that the most important thing to do with beginning reading instruction is to develop good word decoding skills. So it is not either or. It's not one where we can compromise. We'll just have a little bit of that and a little bit of this. That will not do the job. That will continue to disadvantage struggling readers from day 1." 👏👏 👏

You can listen to the full interview here.


Principal calls for Govt to scrap Reading Recovery


Minister ill-informed, Strategy hollow