No need for political football

No need for political football if we’re all on the side of equitable learning opportunities

Wow, education policy is a 🔥hot topic 🔥 this week! It has been awesome to see so much passion in media and online for equitable education opportunities for New Zealand's young learners.

✅Informed discussion among educators, policy makers, whanau, and politicians is crucial to growing knowledge, and understanding what must change to ensure ALL learners get a fair go. ⚖️

❗️For Lifting Literacy Aotearoa, there is one key principle that is not up for debate.

👉The science is settled.

The Science of Reading is a decades-long body of research based on neuro-science.

On this foundation we can confidently say that a systematic, explicit, cumulative, and diagnostic Structured Literacy approach is the best way to teach all 🧠.

🏆We believe our learners deserve the best: evidence-based, international best-practice literacy instruction.

🏆We believe our teachers deserve the best: evidence-based international best-practice literacy training.

✅We know that Structured Literacy is bedding in across the sector, evidenced in part by the steep growth in membership of SL groups online and by the huge demand experienced by PLD providers across the country. This is a trend in the right direction!

Lifting Literacy Aotearoa will continue to work to gain cross-party support for Structured Literacy

📣We want to see change to classroom practice that is sustained and enduring, and based on evidence. Not a brief game of political football. ⚽️

📣We MUST see greater engagement from our elected representatives in parliament and those on opposition benches whose role is to hold the government accountable.

❗️We urge MPs of ALL stripes to get on board with this kaupapa.

📨📣You can help MPs to be better informed and better advocates for children, teachers, and families.

WRITE to your MP.

TELL your story.

SHARE the knowledge.


Lowering standards is not the answer to literacy crisis


An expert take on the literacy news this week